Thursday, 28 June 2007

a dog is just a dog

I had my dog put down 6 months ago, and I was really gutted. I joined a pet bereavement support group. I am still on there, but I got all sorts of crap because I said how Ben had been 'just a dog'. Sure, he was a member of the family and I treated him like a surrogate child - a big puppy. But he was still just a dog, however upset I might have been. Indeed, it was precisely because he was a dog I loved him like he did - a constant companion, loyal to the end, etc. It is precisely because he was a dog, and not a human, that he was so endearing. I'd never have put up with some of the stuff he did if he had been human - like when he'd lick his arse while we were eating - or those awful farts he used to do.

Do dogs have a soul or go to heaven? Who knows what heaven is, or if it exists - but I guess if the is God, and he created everything, then he put a bit of himself into everything that lives, and that includes dogs - so if you want to call that a soul fine. Given that bit of God goes into every living thing, then when it dies, that bit goes back to God eventually - but who knows, maybe it becomes another living thing on the way.


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