Thursday 28 June 2007

Nicky's blog

Here we have Nicky's blog on his 'condition':

Lately he rants about the evils of transgendered folk, about OII, and anything apart from himself or his condition. In fact, he clearly states that he sees the murderers of Gwen Araujo as his 'heroes'!

August 25 2005:

"These people should be called heros because what these trannies did was lied and duped them into believing that they are who they are."

Here we have Nicky's blog:

Note his desire to wear cross-gender clothing and grow his hair like a girl.

Nick came to our site, abused our hospitality, did nothing but badmouth transgender people, never discussed his own issues once - and had to be thrown out eventually because he started threatening people.

On his main site, some of his favourite links are porn sites with pictures of women's genitals.

Nick - get a life. Face up to your own gender issues and stop trying to project them onto other people and stop pretending that your gender issues aren't gender issues, but intersex issues. Then deal with both issues properly. When you have sorted yourself out, you will be welcome to come back to OII and try again - or, if you want to talk to somebody who can help, let us know.

At OII, we will accept you feeling caught somewhere between the genders, we do not expect you to be a man or a woman, unless you wish to - and we will accept you as either. All we ask is that you do not try to use our forum to exercise hatred against other minority groups - including transgendered people - OK?



Mark said...

I believe that the trannies in North America should pull their heads in before a dog catcher siezes it, they should not go around critisizing Nic just because he doesn't Idenitfy with them at all.

Laura_Mac said...

Good job telling how much of a worthless human being Nick is.